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6th-8th Graders - Fall '24 Classes

Family Fee: $100

A family fee is paid each semester regardless of the number of children you enroll.

Below is a list of our Fall '24 classes for each Monday we meet during the school year.


1st Period Classes

9:00 AM - 9:50 AM

Applied Math, 6th-8th grades - $10

Students will apply area, perimeter, and other geometry skills to real-world scenarios by creating a 3D model and blueprints for their own tiny home and zoo. This class will require students to use multiplication, visualization, problem solving, as well as fine-motor skills. Each student will need to bring their own set of colored penciles and pair of scissors to class each week.

Anatomy & Physiology, 6th-8th grades - $35

Exploring Body Systems in Anatomy and Physiology with an introduction to healthcare. A hands on fundamental class with some real world scenarios. Please note: reproduction topics will not be included. You are God's Masterpiece - Ephesians 2:10.

Drama, 6th-12th grades - $25

This is an advanced, production class, and not my intro class, so it is only for students who have been in one of my plays before. While drama is an amazing way to help students become more confident and "come out of their shell", this particular class is too much for beginners and/or those who are super shy. 


This class will be rehearsing a play that will be performed at the end of the semester party! Skills we will be focusing on include stage movement, using props, showing emotion through facial and body expressions, and speaking in front of an audience.


​**THERE WILL BE REHEARSALS OUTSIDE OF CLASS. For this next semester, we will practice during class and then have another rehearsal after lunch (12:30 to 1:30). This second rehearsal will be scheduled according to scenes, so not everyone has to stay every week. (If your student gets a bigger part, they might be staying every week - so please let me know at the beginning of the semester if this will be a problem) As we get closer to production, there will be at least 2 rehearsals that will be 3 to 4 hours in length as they practice in full costume with props, sound, and lighting changes. If we need props and costumes, I will always try to borrow items before making purchases to save everyone money and storage space.

Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - $0

Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.


2nd Period Classes

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM

Wonders of the World, 6th-8th grades - $10

Students will learn about Ancient, Medieval, Modern, and Natural wonders throughout the world that span thousands of years. Wonders include Stonehenge, the Great Wall of China, the Grand Canyon, The Lost Porcelain Pagoda, Itaipu Dam and many more.  Hands on projects each week will allow students to complete a lap book at the end of the semester.  Colored pencils and crayons will be needed for class each week.

Mixed Media Art, 6th-8th grades - $10

Join us for a well-rounded art class as we try all the mediums of art. Clay, paper maché, paint, wire sculptures, and more. No experience needed. We learn and try new things together.

Beginning Guitar, 6th-12th grades - $25

Students who “pick” this class will learn to put the “strum” in “instrument.” This class is for students who have little or no experience playing guitar. The class will be working in one “A-chord” on a somewhat small “scale” as no more than 10 students will be in the class. Each student will need their own acoustic guitar.

Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - $0

Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.



3rd Period Classes

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM


Life Skills & Gifts of the Spirit, 6th-8th grades - $30

This class will challenge students to think outside the box. Our aim will be to attain new social, emotional, business, and psychological skills. This will include but is not limited to making business inquiries and orders to local and national organizations, media literacy, online navigation and safety tactics, conversational etiquette, healthy relational boundaries, internal/external behavior analysis, online ordering, basic budgeting, organization, etc., and all with the fruits of the Spirit in mind. We will apply love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control categorically throughout the semester as we tackle each new skill. (If your student is more introverted, he/she is welcome to learn by observation when needed.)

Fitness, 6th-8th grades - $5

Come be Fit and have Fun in this not-so-typical PE class!   We will explore martial arts, self defense, team building games, exercise training, relay races, Capture the flag, yoga, learning about healthy eating, healthy habits, and whatever else we can come up with to get Fit and have Fun!  

Natural Medicines, 6th-12th grades - $40

Students will learn the terminology and definitions of commonly used words in the world of natural medicine. We will also touch on some of the history of different medicines. The best part of all will be when we get to make our own natural remedies to take home and use.

Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - $0

Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.


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