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4th-5th Graders - Fall '24 Classes

Family Fee: $100

A family fee is paid each semester regardless of the number of children you enroll.

Below is a list of our Fall '24 classes for each Monday we meet during the school year.


1st Period Classes

9:00 AM - 9:50 AM


Natured-focused Art, 4th-5th grades - $10

Nature is beautiful. In this art class we will create unique works of art focused around nature. Some planned activities include diy paper making, pressed flower lanterns, clay project, leaf printing, mud painting, and so much more. No experience needed. We learn and try new things together.

P.E., 4th-5th grades - $5

P.E. Class will consist of fun exercising games. Students will learn good exercise habits while having fun and exhibiting good sportsmanship. Dodgeball, jump rope, soccer, basketball, gaga ball, and kickball are just some of the many activities we will be doing.



2nd Period Classes

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM


Intro to Anatomy & Physiology, 4th-5th grades - $35

Exploring Body Systems in Anatomy and Physiology with an introduction to healthcare. A hands on fundamental class with some real world scenarios. Please note: reproduction topics will not be included. You are God's Masterpiece - Ephesians 2:10.

Native American Studies, 4th-5th grades - $10

Embark on an exciting adventure into the rich and diverse world of Native American history. Students will delve into the vibrant cultures, traditions, and legacies of the indigenous peoples of North America.



3rd Period Classes

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Cooking, 4th-5th grades - $45

Join us this semester for some fun in the kitchen! We will create easy meals while learning our way around the kitchen and students can make their own lunch for the day.

Geography: Explore the Holy Land, 4th-5th grades - $25

In this class we will be exploring the culture, traditions, geographical features, and history of the Holy Land. We will also be diving into the differences of the 3 most popular religions and digging into what sets Christianity apart. Some taste sampling and hands on projects will be a part of our semester.


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