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2nd-3rd Graders - Fall '24 Classes

Family Fee: $100

A family fee is paid each semester regardless of the number of children you enroll.

Below is a list of our Fall '24 classes for each Monday we meet during the school year.

1st Period Classes

9:00 AM - 9:50 AM

Tumbling, 2nd-3rd grades - $5

This class will give kids a peek into the gymnastics/tumbling world by learning entry level skills and technique. Thru basic skills and strengthening challenges, they will begin developing balance, strength, coordination and confidence. End of semester will include a gymnastics performance!

Birds, Science Unit, 2nd-3rd grades - $10

Using The Good and The Beautiful curriculum plus other additional materials we will explore this fun scientific subject through engaging videos, beautiful images, and hands-on activities.


2nd Period Classes

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM

P.E., 2nd-3rd grades - $5

P.E. Class will consist of fun exercising games. Students will learn good exercise habits while having fun and exhibiting good sportsmanship. Dodgeball, jump rope, soccer, basketball, gaga ball, and kickball are just some of the many activities we will be doing.

Intro to Music, 2nd-3rd grades - $10

Join us as we learn about rhythm, an introduction to reading notes, how to find temp, and then bring it all together to play songs. We will be putting our note reading skills to use on recorders and our rhythm skills to bucket drumming. Our goal will be to perform at the end of the semester party on both instruments! This will be geared to kids with no music knowledge, but students with minimal music knowledge can still benefit.


3rd Period Classes

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Homesteading and Survival Skills, 2nd-3rd grades - $12

In this hands-on class, we will learn about different skills, animals, and aspects of homesteading and survival, such as knot tying, weaving, proper ways to build fires, butter making, and more!

Stuffie Making, 2nd-3rd grades - $10

Love stuffies? We do!! Let’s learn some basic hand sewing skills as we make our own stuffed animals. From kits, to sock stuffies, to hopefully creating our own stuffed animals from scratch. No sewing experience needed.

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