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Spring 2023 Semester Classes

Below is a breakdown of our Spring '23 classes for each Monday we meet during the school year.

All Day Classes, 9-11:50 am

Nursery - $0

We have a nursery available for infants-2 years old who have older siblings in the co-op. The nursery will have at least 2 adults in it at all times. There is no charge for the nursery; however, you will be responsible for providing all snacks, drinks, diapers, etc. for your child.

Preschool - $15

Available for 3 and 4 year olds who have older siblings in the co-op. There will be a variety of subjects covered through hands on learning and play. One class period will also be used for a snack/recess time. You will be responsible for all drinks and snacks for your child. This class is a courtesy class for our younger children and is a supplement to anything they are learning at home with you.

K-1st Grades - $20

Kinder and 1st graders will all sign up for one class. They will be separated by the teachers the first day of class based on the knowledge they have and the skills they have mastered. Your child will stay in one classroom for the entire morning. Each class will have some form of mathematics and reading, as well as other areas of learning. One class period will also be used for a snack/recess time. You will be responsible for providing all snacks and drinks for your child. This class is a supplement to what your child is learning at home with you.


1st Period Classes, 9-9:50 am

Art, 2nd-3rd grades - $10

Students will be creative, develop their artistic skills, and learn to use different art materials.

Arthropods, 2nd-3rd grades $10

Creepy, Crawly, Cool!!  This class will crawl into the world of arthropods as we learn about all different types of bugs. We will learn vocabulary, play games and do some fun experiments.

Forensic Science, 4th-5th grades - $15

We will channel our inner detective in this fun forensic science class. We will learn how to use problem solving, deductive reasoning, and science to solve mock crimes while we learn how real detectives and scientists help solve crimes.

P.E., 4th-5th grades - $5

P.E. Class will consist of fun exercising games. We will teach kids good exercise habits while having fun. Dodgeball, jump rope, soccer and kickball are just some of the many activities we will be doing for the kids. Boys and girls are welcome to join.

World Cultures, 6th-8th grades - $10

Let's travel the world and explore a variety of cultures across six continents! This class will teach students what culture is and the elements that establish a culture. Students will create their own culture utilizing what they learned throughout the semester.

Cooking, 6th-12th grades - $25

Join our cooking class for all things breakfast. From quiche to scratch gravy, we're going to learn a little bit about everything breakfast!  Note: This class will be nut free, but we won't be able to cater to any other allergies.

Hair, Skin, and Nails, 6th-12th grades - $25

We will learn the do's and don'ts of hair, skin, and nail care. We will also learn how to do different hair styles, nail designs, and facials. The class fee covers the cost of a kit needed for this class.

Theater Performance, 6th-12th grades - $20

This class will be rehearsing a play that will be performed at the end of the year party in May! Skills we will be focusing on include stage movement, using props, showing emotion through facial and body expression, and speaking in front of an audience. At some point during the semester, rehearsals will also take place from 12:30 to 1:30 on Mondays after lunch. While most students won't have to stay every week, the lead actors and actresses may have to.
**If your child has never been in drama class or in a play, please contact Kelly prior to signing up. While drama is an amazing way to help students become more confident and "come out of their shell", this particular class is a bit much for beginners or those who are shy. I never want to push a child past their comfort zone, and this is meant to be fun and not intimidating! If you feel like your child might not be quite ready for this, you might consider the Fundamentals of Drama class where we focus on building trust and confidence through improv games and short scenes! If you have any questions, please email Kelly.

Chemistry, 9th-12th grades - $40

This class is only available to students who were enrolled in it in the Fall. This high school two-semester course will cover foundational chemistry and chemistry lab. This course will require approximately 5 hours of course work outside of the co-op class per week. Course work will include weekly in-class labs and instruction. At home, students will complete a weekly lab write-up, reading and tests through Master Books Chemistry curriculum. In addition, supplemental material and practice problems will be posted in Google Classroom. Each student will need access to Google Classroom and the internet at home to complete and submit their work.

Psychology, A Christian Perspective, 9th-12th grades - $30

The purpose of this class is to teach psychology from a Christian world view. Almost everyone who goes to college today will take an introductory psychology class. Psychology departments are home to some of the most anti-Christian intellectuals on campus. Christian students are often not prepared for these discussions and many compromise their Christian faith. Give your student a head start in these psychological conversations and help them strengthen their faith. This course counts for 1/2 a credit.

Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - $0

Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.


2nd Period Classes, 10-10:50 am

P.E., 2nd-3rd grades - $5

Let's get moving! In addition to learning a new P.E. skill every week, your student will also focus on character building among peers.

Building Reading Fluency, 2nd-3rd grades - $5

We will focus our class time on practicing reading fluency strategies that can make a huge difference for beginning readers. Through sight word activities and games, whole group reading, and shared/buddy reading, we will build reading skills and fluency so our students can become more confident readers.

Educational Games, 4th-5th grades - $0

We will play a variety of educational board and card games covering US and World Geography, multiplication, birds of prey, Greek mythology and more.

Multimedia Mosaics, 4th-5th grades - $35

Please note that this class will repeat half of the projects from last semester. We will be pushing our creativity by working with etching techniques, various inks, and a collection of mosaic concepts as well as pointillism. The goal in this class is to open up a new world of artistic creation using various forms of mediums and techniques. Glass will be involved, but precut and checked for sharp edges.  (If you would prefer your child to wear gloves for this, I will have them on hand.)

Research Reports, 6th-8th grades - $15

As our students get older, it’s important that they learn how to do a proper research paper. In this class we will dive into the importance of website/source credibility, proper citation (MLA vs APA) and why it’s important, writing for a specific audience, and the structure of the 5-paragraph essay. This class will require research and work outside the classroom, and will be using Google Classroom for assignment completion and submission.

Cooking, 6th-8th grades - $20

Come expand your meal preparation repertoire in this class as we learn about stove top cooking, simple baking, and how to prepare make-ahead meals.

Fundamentals of Drama, 6th-12th grades - $10

This class will be focusing on activities, short scene performances, and improv games to help students build self-confidence as they learn drama and speech skills. These acting exercises focus on stage movement, using props, showing emotion through facial expression, and speaking in front of an audience. Our goal is to develop effective oral expression and stage presence, as well as learning fundamental theater-related terms and concepts. While this class is similar to the fundamentals class offered in the Fall, we will be building upon what we've learned with new activities and will be perfect for new and experienced students alike! There may be one or two short monologues or dialogues they will be expected to memorize toward the end of the semester. If you have any questions, please email Kelly.

Art, 9th-12th grades - $20

This is a fun, relaxed class to teach students the how's and to's of different painting techniques along with other types of art.

Economics, 9th-12th grades - $35

This class will cover the basic principles of Economics as well as personal finance. We will use critical thinking and group projects to better understand these principles. This class will count as a half credit in Economics.

Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - $0

Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.


3rd Period Classes, 11-11:50 am

STEM, 2nd-3rd grades - $8

Join us for a fun and interactive STEM challenge class! Students will be given weekly challenges to complete with a team, such as building the tallest tower using only 5 balloons, 10 straws, 10 popsicles, and 5 pieces of tape. Each week will be a new theme with new materials, and teams will have 15 minutes to design their projects and 30 minutes to construct them. Team building games will also be included.

Drama, 2nd-5th grades - $20

In this drama class for our elementary aged kiddos, we will learn the basics of drama while having a blast! Our goal will be to put on a play at the end of the semester with input from the students on what sort of play they want to do and a class vote to finalize the play we will perform. Everyone will have a part, even those who want to learn and be a part of the drama class but not necessarily be on stage in front of everyone. This will be a great class for getting your little one out of their shell and become more comfortable talking in front of others.

Writing with IEW, 4th-5th grades - $5

This class is only available to students who were enrolled in it in the Fall. We will cover the remaining half of the material in the student workbook and will focus on creating keyword outlines, oral reports, writing from outlines, narrative stories, poetry, and summarizing references.

P.E., 6th-8th grades - $5

Let's get moving! The kids will get a chance to lead the class in stretches each week. We will spend as much time in the fresh air as the weather allows. We will focus on movement with fun activities like dribble tag, dodgeball, four square, capture the flag and much more. Additionally, the kids will get an opportunity to contribute ideas for activities and vote on them.

Geology, 6th-8th grades - $20

We will explore how earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and erosion change rocks to shape Earth’s tallest mountains and deepest caves. In this unit we will grow crystals, explode volcanoes, make mini earthquakes, and study the rock cycle. Get ready to be amazed at God’s beautiful, marvelous world!

Historical Conquest, 6th-12th grades - $7*

Historical Conquest is a unique and exciting card game in which players create personalized societies of REAL heroes, villains, leaders, assassins, disasters, armies, and more from ACTUAL world history and battle them against one another. Each card is complete with fantastic illustrations and intriguing summaries of people, places, and events from world history. Students will learn history in a more fun and engaging way. A playing mat and a starter deck of playing cards are required for this class. *Additional fees, depending on what your student needs, will be charged after your student is registered for this class.

Dave Ramsey, 9th-12th grades - $30

This class is only available to students who were enrolled in it in the Fall. The Foundations in Personal Finance for Homeschool course is a complete, dynamic, high school curriculum written by Dave Ramsey. It teaches students about saving, investing, credit, debt, money management, and more from a biblical perspective.  This class can count as either a high school elective credit or a consumer math credit. In order for your student to receive the full credit, they will need to take this class in both the Fall AND Spring semesters.  They will be expected to complete all assignments, even if they miss a week of co-op.  There will be work for them to complete at home during the week, and they will be graded on all assignments.  With the exception of pen and paper, the class fee covers all materials needed this semester.

Cooking, 9th-12th grades - $20

We will be learning how to cook simple 5-7 ingredient meals that will make eating home cooked meals easier in our busy lives, from making zoodles to homemade biscuits. We will learn important things like how and why we should prevent cross contamination in the kitchen, figure cost per serving, and learn ideas for making healthy substitutions and know the nutritional value of our meals.  In several of our classes we will be dividing into teams and having a “Food challenge.”  Each team will be given a secret ingredient and have 30 minutes to create their own dish. When the 30 minutes is up their team will give a short 3 minute presentation to a panel of “judges” (moms) about how they prepared their dish, prevented cross contamination and give a description of the nutritional value of ingredients and cost per serving. The judges will decide who is the winner.

World Literature, 9th-12th grades - $40

This class is only available to students who were enrolled in it in the Fall. We will continue to explore poetry, short stories, speeches, Shakespeare (Julius Caesar), mythical heroes, and literature (Animal Farm, The Art of War, and Pride and Prejudice). Student must have access to Google Classroom as there will be work required outside the class, such as homework papers and writing. We will not focus on grammar, but spelling and grammar will be expected in writing assignments. If there is a concept not understood by many, then we will discuss it in class.

Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - $0

Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.


Click HERE to see previously offered classes.

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